Acetic Acid UniFlex Reagent (=AA-F)
An enzymatic test kit for determination of acetic acid in foods, beverages and other samples. Contains ready to use aqueous buffer,
MDH/Citrate synthase enzyme suspension, ACS enzyme diluent, and acetic acid standard. Also contains in dry form Acetyl Co-A Synthetase, which is dissolved in ACS enzyme diluent, and Coenzyme powder, which is dissolve in deionized water. Features:- Reconstituted Coenzyme Solution and Acetyl Co-A Synthetase Solutions have extended shelf life. Both are stable for 3 months following dissolution.
AA-F150 (75 tests)
2. The Flex CalculatorTM, which automatically calculates acetic acid content in G/L based on the acetic acid ΔABS and extinction coefficient equations. The user simply enters A0,A1, and A2 values into the Flex CalculatorTM The Calculator assists in estimating free acetic acid by providing a plot to facilitate the extrapolation of A2 absorbance values at the time of ACS enzyme addition.
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12026 Centralia Road, Ste. H, Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 924-5150